I. About Scripture:
A. God’s will and purpose is revealed in the scriptures
1. God desires relationship with us: “I will be your God and you will be my people”.
B. God’s clearest revelation of his will and purpose comes to us in Jesus (“For God so loved the world that he sent his only
1. We view all scripture through the lens of the New Testament.
2. We see what God is like as we study the life and teachings of Jesus as recorded in the four gospels.
C. Jesus becomes the central focus of our faith.
1. His life provides a model for faithful living.
2. His death provides a means for our salvation.
3. His resurrection provides hope for abundant (eternal) life.
D. Christian faith is about responding to Jesus.
1. Our attempts to “be good” or to earn merit with God will always fail (because of our sinful human nature).
2. Our salvation is made available by Jesus’ sacrifice and is possible because of God's grace.
3. God’s grace is a gift which we are invited to accept by faith.
4. We respond in gratitude by following the way of Jesus and living a life of obedience and discipleship.
II. About the Church
A. The church is a community of those who have chosen to follow Jesus.
1. Community is essential to spiritual growth and learning.
We come to a clearer understanding of God’s truth and purposes as we study and pray together.
2. Our ordinances come out of our understanding of church:
a. Baptism - our entry point into the faith community.
With “believer’s baptism” we choose to make a commitment to both Jesus and to the church.
b. Communion/Love Feast – quarterly bread and cup, Maundy Thursday Love Feast service re-enacting the events of the Last Supper.
c. Anointing - a way of making ourselves available for God's healing in our lives and church.
B. The church’s ministry is shared by all.
1. We each have gifts that are essential to the church.
2. We are each called to discern and develop our gifts for ministry within the church.
3. Some may be called to specific leadership functions (i.e. pastor) but we are all in ministry together.
4. Servant leadership: to be a leader is to serve others.
C. The church is gathered and energized by the Holy Spirit’s presence in our worship and prayer life.
1. The church exists as a result of the Holy Spirit’s initiative in calling together a community of faith.
2. We affirm the Spirit’s life-changing work in our midst.
3. Prayer is essential in discerning God’s will and vision.
D. The church becomes an alternative community.
1. The church lifts up spiritual values as an alternative to the materialistic, self-focused values of our culture.
2. The church seeks to model the values of God’s kingdom.
E. The church has both inward and outward focus.
1. We are called to nurture, support, and challenge those who are a part of the fellowship so that all may grow in faithfulness and
spiritual maturity.
2. We are called to minister to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of those beyond our fellowship. We will attempt to share the
love of Jesus as we have experienced it.
III. About the Christian life:
A. The lives we live must reflect the faith we proclaim.
1. We will attempt to live in joyful obedience to our Lord.
2. The life of Jesus provides an effective model for us.
B. Some values that we believe to be consistent with Jesus’ teaching and example:
1. Authenticity
2. Integrity
3. Simplicity
4. Humility
5. Peacemaking
6. Service
7. Unconditional love
I. About Scripture:
A. God’s will and purpose is revealed in the scriptures
1. God desires relationship with us: “I will be your God and you will be my people”.
B. God’s clearest revelation of his will and purpose comes to us in Jesus (“For God so loved the world that he sent his only
1. We view all scripture through the lens of the New Testament.
2. We see what God is like as we study the life and teachings of Jesus as recorded in the four gospels.
C. Jesus becomes the central focus of our faith.
1. His life provides a model for faithful living.
2. His death provides a means for our salvation.
3. His resurrection provides hope for abundant (eternal) life.
D. Christian faith is about responding to Jesus.
1. Our attempts to “be good” or to earn merit with God will always fail (because of our sinful human nature).
2. Our salvation is made available by Jesus’ sacrifice and is possible because of God's grace.
3. God’s grace is a gift which we are invited to accept by faith.
4. We respond in gratitude by following the way of Jesus and living a life of obedience and discipleship.
II. About the Church
A. The church is a community of those who have chosen to follow Jesus.
1. Community is essential to spiritual growth and learning.
We come to a clearer understanding of God’s truth and purposes as we study and pray together.
2. Our ordinances come out of our understanding of church:
a. Baptism - our entry point into the faith community.
With “believer’s baptism” we choose to make a commitment to both Jesus and to the church.
b. Communion/Love Feast – quarterly bread and cup, Maundy Thursday Love Feast service re-enacting the events of the Last Supper.
c. Anointing - a way of making ourselves available for God's healing in our lives and church.
B. The church’s ministry is shared by all.
1. We each have gifts that are essential to the church.
2. We are each called to discern and develop our gifts for ministry within the church.
3. Some may be called to specific leadership functions (i.e. pastor) but we are all in ministry together.
4. Servant leadership: to be a leader is to serve others.
C. The church is gathered and energized by the Holy Spirit’s presence in our worship and prayer life.
1. The church exists as a result of the Holy Spirit’s initiative in calling together a community of faith.
2. We affirm the Spirit’s life-changing work in our midst.
3. Prayer is essential in discerning God’s will and vision.
D. The church becomes an alternative community.
1. The church lifts up spiritual values as an alternative to the materialistic, self-focused values of our culture.
2. The church seeks to model the values of God’s kingdom.
E. The church has both inward and outward focus.
1. We are called to nurture, support, and challenge those who are a part of the fellowship so that all may grow in faithfulness and
spiritual maturity.
2. We are called to minister to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of those beyond our fellowship. We will attempt to share the
love of Jesus as we have experienced it.
III. About the Christian life:
A. The lives we live must reflect the faith we proclaim.
1. We will attempt to live in joyful obedience to our Lord.
2. The life of Jesus provides an effective model for us.
B. Some values that we believe to be consistent with Jesus’ teaching and example:
1. Authenticity
2. Integrity
3. Simplicity
4. Humility
5. Peacemaking
6. Service
7. Unconditional love