Continuing the work of Jesus. Peacefully. Simply. Together.
1 Toddler Time 10 am 2 District Conference 6 Women’s Breakfast & Bible Study 9 a.m. 6 Zoom Prayer Meeting 7 pm 8 Toddler Time 10 am 10 MVF Youth Bingo at Journey’s Crossing 12 Leadership Team Meeting 6 pm 13 Women’s Bible Study 10-11:30 am 13 Ladies Lunch @ Ciro’s 12 noon 13 Zoom Prayer Meeting 7 pm 15 Toddler Time 10 am 20 Women’s Bible Study 10-11:30 am 20 Ladies Lunch @ Olive Garden 12 noon 20 Zoom Prayer Meeting 7 pm 22 Toddler Time 10 am 27 Women’s Bible Study 10-11:30 am 27 Zoom Prayer Meeting 7 pm Toddler Time
Worship with us!Sunday Morning:
9:45 AM Worship Sunday School Following Worship Worship Services Watch Live or Recorded HERE |
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